Hello! 👋
I’m Haein (해인), a second-year PhD student in Information Science at Rutgers University. Currently, I’m working with Dr. Vivek K. Singh at the Behavioral Informatics Lab.

My research interest is in digital health, computational social science, and human-centered data science. I’m interested in applying computational methods and data science to understand, measure, and predict mental health.


[July, 2024] Our paper has been accepted to WASSA 2024 shared task track at ACL 2024.

[June, 2024] I will attend HCIC 2024 Annual Meeting!

[October, 2023] I will attend UbiComp/ISWC 2023 in Cancún and present our workshop paper

[August, 2023] My workshop paper, suggesting cognition-aware digital phenotyping for substance use disorder, was accepted to the 2023 UbiComp Mental Health workshop 🎉

[June, 2023] I attended the 7th Summer School on Computational Interaction at the University of Michigan